Seminar-Woche mit Don Augustin und Santos Machacca Apaza in der Surselva
The respected and powerful Inca Master Don Agustin will come the third time to the Surselva with his son Santos for three seminars. Don Agustin grew up with the Q’eros in the high Andes of Peru and is familiar with the wisdom teachings and healing knowledge of the Inca tradition. This was transmitted over many generations from teacher to chosen student. More than 5000 years ago, the wisdom keepers began to develop a technique to heal diseases with energy, spirit, and light. They realized that everything is interconnected. They use this relationship between human beings and nature to interpret and heal causes of diseases.
In all three seminars, Don Agustin and Santos will share with us much of their knowledge from the Q’ero tradition and transmit to us some of their sacred rites called Karpays. In deep connection with their ancestors and with nature spirits, they will spontaneously choose a specific Karpay and transmit it to us individually in nature.
This year for each seminar a specific topic has been chosen. This allows Don Agustin to dive deeper into their wisdom teachings of one of their main healing tools.
Seminar 1 from 8th (afternoon) to 11th of July 2024
Seminar 2 from 11th (afternoon) to 14th of July 2024
Seminar 3 from 14th (afternoon) to 17th of July 2024
Seminar 1: Despacho
A Despacho is like a mandala and contains many symbolic elements of flowers and seeds and is performed on various occasions in life, e.g. before and after birth, weddings, solstice, before and
after death. Heart’s desires, prayers, and wishes may be placed into this powerful ritual.Seminar 2: Chumpi Mesa, Plejades and Ñustas
Chumpi stones support us to cleanse and balance our chakras. After this process, we will be more likely to be open to receive the high and soft energies of the seven Pleiades and of the seven Ñustas. The Ñustas are also called the princesses and relate to the Plejades. Don Agustin could many times observe his grandmother transmitting the seven Ñusta Karpays. This seminar will contain energy transmissions in caves, at waterfalls, and under the night sky. It is only a start in the work with these subtle feminine energies.Seminar 3: Soul Retrieval
In their tradition, it is believed that if you suffer from a trauma, you might lose a soul part. The trauma can happen in early life, in an accident, during a surgery, in a difficult life situation, etc. Q’ero shamans immediately call back the soul part to keep the soul safe and strong. We will learn about the journey of the soul, how to keep the soul stable in life, and techniques to call back a soul part also if the soul loss happened many years ago.
There are no prerequisites for one of these seminars. Each seminar can be visited separately. A mesa need not be owned. Of course, if you have already one, we will work with it and anchor new energies to become a more powerful personal altar on your healing path.
Location: Hotel Ucliva in Waltensburg/Vuorz
Seminar language is English.
Each seminar costs 450.- Fr. / If you book all three seminars you will receive a reduction of 150.- Fr.
Accommodation and meals:
Double room: 370.- Fr. per person
Single room: 490.- Fr. (limited number)
It is possible to book a simpler accommodation within about 15-20 minutes walking distance from the Ucliva.
For more information contact directly Ursula Wilhelm at the Ucliva.
Hoch über dem Rheintal im schönen Bergdorf Waltensburg/Vuorz liegt das Hotel Ucliva. Es ist ein Kraftort – ideal um Energie zu tanken und Kreativ zu arbeiten. Das Hotel steht für Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit bei Nahrungsmitteln und Energiegewinnung – die Produkte stammen aus grösstenteils lokaler und biologischer Erzeugung aus der Umgebung. Das Ucliva verfügt über 22 Zimmer und die Mehrzahl der Zimmer hat Balkone mit wunderbarer Aussicht auf die Surselva.
Bei Interesse an diesem Seminar im schmucken Bergdorf Waltensburg sende uns eine Nachricht via Formular, oder kontaktiere das Hotel direkt: Tel. 081 941 22 42 / Mail:
Auf dein Kommen freut sich,
Ursula Wilhelm und das ganze Hotel Ucliva-Team
Hotel Ucliva
7158 Waltensburg/Vuorz
T. 081 941 22 42